I want to say thank you to all those who have prayed for our baby and for us these past 4 months. I am filled with gratitude today. We never could have imagined this path we would travel with our boy, and I am humbled at all those who have walked beside us.
Our family who have been there every step of the way. I have no words for what you have done and how you have been there for us, so I won't even try. I love you all.
The months when I had only tears (constantly) and the friends and coworkers that stood in the face of them and hugged me. Held my hand. Cried with me. Sat silently and listened. Told me I was strong enough. Told me to get out of my pajamas. Told me it's ok to fall apart. Told me to get it together. Each one was exactly what I needed in that moment. You all know who you are. I love you for it.
Every one who has slipped a bill in mine or David's hand, a check in the mail, given to a family member of ours, loaned or gave winter clothes to help us with all the logistical and financial aspects of Jacob's condition and our travel to Boston. And all who have prayed specifically for these areas. We can never repay you, but hope one day to "pay it forward" to another in need.
For our church, for rallying around us. Silverdale Baptist Church, you may be huge, but that doesn't make you out of reach. We've been amazed and overwhelmed by the support we have received. Special thanks to Pastor Tony, Travis, and especially Susan for all you have done for us. And for all who have and continue to pray for us. You truly have been the arms of God to our family.
For all who have prayed specifically about insurance approval to go out of network to get Jacob the care he needs...yesterday we got it!!!
Every person who has commented or sent me a message, shared our story, given a word of encouragement, promise to pray, love for my family. Thank you. I had no idea all we would touch. The online community has rallied around me in an amazing way, and I am humbled and grateful.
For all those who haven't forgotten that we have 3 other kids who are amazing. And asked how they were doing. And love them too. Thank you.
Everyone who has held thought or prayer for us in any way. Thank you.
We leave for Boston in 2 days. Thank you all for loving us and our Jacob. For what you have done, Jacob's story is yours as well. I am honored to share it with you.
Love you & praying for God's peace
I'm praying for little Jacob and your family!